Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Chronicles of Cayennetology Volume I

All righty then! Let’s start this off with the following:

Happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
happy birthday dear me-e-eeeee
happy birthday to me!

I know, it’s a bit self-absorbed but the odd self-absorption is good from time to time. Today, 34 years ago the world shuddered as I made my entry into it via C section. I promise there was shuddering, even my dad said I look like a rat. But anyway, me big girl now… um, no, not really! I demand to remain juvenile and delinquent until the day I die!

The most momentous occurrence that took place during my 33rd year was my induction into the Church of Cayennetology. I wholeheartedly recommend this cult.

Herewith the first volume of my chronicles:

The Arrival!

After a painfully slow rush to get to the PE airport (because my designated chauffeur drives like a geriatric) and almost missing the check-in time, all passengers on this specific flight were informed that the flight had been delayed for 40 minutes. Ironic, isn’t it?

And then suddenly, there she was, Table Mountain… and Kyk. And classical music! And Boney! No, get your mind out the gutter. Boney is Kyk’s vehicular anti-theft device – I have a piccie of him and will post it when I have developed the film.

Thursday night was kind of a “getting used to each other” experience. You know that silly “feel like you are in the way all the time” feeling. But that dissipated rather quickly.

Day 1:
Kirstenbosch! Who would have thought that your cheeks can actually ache from laughing so much in a botanical garden of all places? The flowers were not the source of amusement. The title of Entertainer Par Excellence goes to the one and only Kyknoord.

Unfortunately I cannot relate this scene and do the humour justice so please try and apply your imagination. There is Kyk, pointing a camera at an Egyptian Goose in the gardens. I didn’t want to get to close because the photographic subject seemed a bit skittish. Fortunately Kyk’s attempts to make his subject feel at ease were carried to my ears on the breeze.
“You are gorgeous.”
“Work with camera.”
“Oh yes, oh baby, that is lovely.”
And the goose stands there with this “Is this joker for real?” expression on his face.

He also talked to the daisies and politely asked them to please stand still. Kyk, I know you said afterwards you were talking to your camera but I heard you!

Oh, and I hugged a tree! Kyk has photographic evidence.

Other highlights of the day were walking down Parliament Avenue. If it’s lined with trees (oak ones in this case) it’s an avenue! The South African Museum was graced with our presence where Kyk explained how the astronomical display was one of the things that got M interested in astronomy and of course demonstrating how a black hole works with a 5 cent coin “because they work the best.” Going to the Company Gardens to visit “The Squirrels and The Vagrants” and of course being treated to the sight of a vagrant watering the garden with his… hosepipe. Hey, this is Africa!

The Perfect Day was rounded off with a perfect meal in a gorgeous restaurant where we were both kind of freaked out because we were doing date stuph without being on a date. A lengthy philosophical debate ensued… aaah, mental stimulation!



Blogger kyknoord said...

Wow. This is all mostly true :-) The goose picture is here by the way.

11:09 am  
Blogger SwissTwist said...

Welcome back!

Happy birthday!

Can't wait to hear the rest of this adventure.... you were missed!

11:33 am  
Blogger M said...

happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you...

1:45 pm  
Blogger AngelConradie said...

hApPy BiRtHdAy To KaTt!
HaPpY bIrThDaY tO kAtT!
happyyyyy biiiirthdaaaaay deeeeear kaaaa-aaaaat...
haaaaaaappy biiiiiirthday tooooo katt!!!!!!
deep breath
hip-hip... hooray!
hip-hip... hooray!
hip-hip... hooray!
hip-hip... hooray!
hip-hip... hooray!
notha deep breath
hip-hip... hooray!
hip-hip... hooray!
hip-hip... hooray!
hip-hip... hooray!
hip-hip... hooray!
last time- deep breath
nog 'n piep! hooray!

11:03 pm  
Blogger AngelConradie said...

still green with envy...

11:04 pm  
Blogger Framesby 86 said...

I know it was yesterday, but I am always late, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KATT!!! I am so gla-ad you're back!! Happy birthday dear K-a-t-t-, happy birthday to you!! So, does he really look like Johnny Depp because I am a big Johnny Depp fan and already a Kyk fan. Just have to know, like all the other Cayennetologists!!

11:54 am  
Blogger Katt said...

Thanks to all of you for the birthday wishes!

Kyk: I saw it. Duck a la Attitude!

SwissTwist: I spent the whole day blogging the adventure so it's up and I hope you enjoyed it.

M: Thanks, M. By the way, I have a stunning piccie of you. :-)

Angel: That made me laugh! Thanks sweetie!

Buddess: Thank you too. Don't worry about being late, I didn't expect everyone to get around to The Katt Box in time for it. And yes, he does look like Johnny Depp! ;-)

4:36 pm  
Blogger TheTart said...

Happy happy birthday!

Sounds like you had a wonderful time, with Johnny Depp, natch!
The Tart
; *

12:08 am  

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