Monday, August 07, 2006

Relationships in Review!

Have you ever felt like you are in that painting by Salvidor Dali, the one where the clocks are oozing? I looked up the name, just to sound intelligent, The Persistence of Memory c. 1931. Well, that is what my weekend was like, I felt like I was stuck in a surreal painting.

It started on Friday as most weekends do. Friday night to be exact, I had just finished reading the latest book by Marian Keyes, Anyone Out There? I’m not going to say what the story is about in case Anyone Out There wants to read it. Oh, I am so funny! I can recommend it, just have a box of tissues handy. Of course, as luck would have it I finished it about 5 minutes before Reptile was due to arrive for yet another meat tanning session – suffering from a red meat overdose. So, there I sat there blubbing my silly little eyes out, trying to hide it from Flyboy and Reptile because I wasn’t about to chance finding out whether or not they are the type of men who would understand becoming emotional about a book. Me, all smiley but crying inside – surreal I tell you.

This book raised a couple of questions for me, those “both sides of the coin” kinds of questions.

Obviously, being a book and everything has to be perfect, this woman’s marriage was pretty much wonderful. She and her husband have the kind of relationship which a couple should have; chemistry, companionship, friendship, laughter, the whole bang toot! Yes, they did argue too. Which got me thinking of course, otherwise why would I be writing this? In real life, why do people, when they have a shot at something that could be so good, shy away from it? Surely life being so short and happiness often being a frisky butterfly you should grab the chance with both hands? And hope you don’t crush it.

The other side of the coin is that maybe it is better to stay away from that kind of love. That way you won’t have your heart broken and have to suffer so much when that love is gone.

Saturday night, when cabin fever reached its peak and I was running low on my contraband (also known as cigarettes), I practised my rusty feminine wiles on Flyboy explaining that we deserved a treat and should go out for supper. I won! And it was off to a tiny little one horse town nearby here. The food was as always excellent** and… *shock horror* the company was charming. Flyboy and I had a long chat about The Future and The Plans for The Future, weighing up the pros and cons of any developments. And it was then that I realised that those pesky shape-shifting aliens were playing tricks on me again.

You see, I have this theory. Every now and then shape-shifting aliens abduct Flyboy to go and do experiments on him in the mother ship and I get a replacement, a nice Flyboy look-alike. Now it seems Flyboy will move the ends of the earth in the name of my welfare and happiness. Will this attitude last? Probably only until I get the original Flyboy back and the nice shape-shifting alien departs for Planet RealMen – surreal I tell you.

Oh, on the way home we had to help dig out the milk truck that had buried itself in the soggy road, in the dark.

At the waterlogged airfield on Sunday I had further relationship discussions with a rather gorgeous friend of ours regarding his marriage… and how it seems to be on the rocks. This falls into the serious bummer category because I really like both of them but, having said that, I am not married to either of them so I wouldn’t know – another one biting the dust?

And again, on the way home we had to help dig out a milk truck buried in the same spot of soggy, messy, muddy road.

Over lunch today SwissMix divulged his date from hell story, unfortunately with Reptile’s sister… Reptiless. I’m not going to go into details but he made the vital mistake of taking her to friends on their first date. On Sunday he had a bit of explaining to do when he saw his friends again – surreal I tell you.

It seems I have become more introspective, maybe because at the end of this month I hit the big 34 in age. Maybe it is time to look back and take stock.

Slowly but surely I am beginning to accept and realise what a very wise friend told me. Men and women are not meant to be together, regardless of the fairy tales and our upbringings. There are too many players out there who flirt with no intention of making a commitment. People have become too selfish and self-absorbed in their own lives to open up and let someone else in.

But with all my heart I really want to believe that there are knights and castles…

** If anyone ever comes down to this neck of the woods and wants to know of a good restaurant, give me a shout!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe in them.. have my own personal dragon slayer at home..

and yes, we argue, but we also forgive and forget..

5:07 pm  
Blogger AngelConradie said...

i believe in dragons, and i've seen castle ruins... as for knights- i think they were just scarecrows in metal suits who went on crusades so they didn't have to stay home and be responsible!
as for men & women belonging together... the traditional marriage vows were written back when people didn't live past 35, and they didn't have a chance to grow and learn new things before being wiped out by plague- or sabre toothed tigers- or vikings!

10:01 pm  
Blogger TheTart said...

Angel has a good point! Now everyone seems to accept that spouse 2 .. 3 & maybe 4 are just part of life's plan. ?

Great post ... spot on!

The Tart
; )

Ps. My new plan is to find a guy willing to dress up in castle wear late at night ~ have not tested this out yet, but will keep you posted!

11:06 pm  
Blogger Katt said...

Elize: You are not helping my disheartened delusion! :-P

Angel: Very accurate commentary there, girl!

The Tart: I am dying to find out how the experiment goes! Looking forward to the updates.

8:54 am  
Blogger Framesby 86 said...

You are such a romantic!!! You did make a valid statement in saying that "There are too many players out there who flirt with no intention of making a commitment". My b/f is exactly like that. Me, being older and wiser now, have learnt how to also play that game and when he starts flirting, I do too. It sounds worse than it is. He is just a natural flirt and very often gets himself into tight spots because young girls are so extremely gullable. Mostly because they still believe that a knight in shining armour on a white horse will come and whisk them away. Watch out girls, he is MY knight and I love him to bits!!!! Yes, I do believe that men and women can have long meaningful relationships, but they will never understand us!! Not even with two brains.

9:07 am  
Blogger kyknoord said...

Make sure you carry a can of Q20, just in case.

10:32 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lesson: if you just stick to books in the horror genre then you wouldn't have all these questions!
and that's why us men are happy. we don't want to cry and therefore we don't read books that could make us cry.

nice simple life eh?

12:04 pm  
Blogger Katt said...

Buddess: Romantic? I guess I am busted! Flirting and being charming is one thing, but taking it that step further and then running for the hills afterwards is something completely different, don't you think?

Shortypam: Well, girl, hang on to him.

Kyk: Funny enough I am one of those people who always have a can of Q20. And Flyboy keeps stealing it and taking it to work.

BigRic: You have an extremely valid point there! So simple and so logical. Impressive!

12:11 pm  
Blogger DelBoy said...

WOW! Nearly brought a tear to MY eye!

You must believe in knights and castles, otherwise there is no point in having dreams. And without dreams, what is the point of living or what would you live for.

I'm sure that as FlyBoy gets older (being old and wise at 35 myself!), the aliens will no longer want to return the original one to you, so you will get to keep nice Flyboy look-alike!

12:13 pm  
Blogger Ginco said...

Katt, why don't you arrange with the Battlestar Galactica to
"beam Scotty up", they'll do a better job than those no good

1:17 pm  
Blogger Dolce said...

As my mother used to say, if all else fails, lower your standards ;-) *cackle*

Aaah, Katt, seriously, you have to really believe....and see...all those Knights are out there, just in disguise...

2:17 pm  
Blogger Katt said...

Delboy: And I get called a romantic! :-) You definitely do not fall into the Caveman Category, Del. I would probably live for myself and my dragon... and keep him away from Elize's dragon slayer. :-) But, you got me thinking and I think you may be right about Flyboy.

GincoLeaves: Who would I get as a replacement though? Dr Spock? Those ears don't do it for me.

Dolce: You mom might be onto something there. All those knights, hey? Disguised as what? Neanderthals? Hee hee!

3:39 pm  

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